Monday, April 5

New kid?

Hi guys!
The previous blogs you've (hopefully) read, were posted bye Judith.
She's my best friend, and she asked me to help her with this blog.
So here I am, writing my first blog, very exited.
Thinking that probably no one's gonna read it.
But I have to think positive!
So, I'll start by telling some stuff about me.
I'm a 14 year old girl from the Netherlands,
smart, but blond, so I often say stupid stuff.
I really like to sing, and I allso just started guitar lessons.
My other hobby is eating, I really love food.
I'll tell you my top three:

Döner kebab; I don't know if you know it, but it's the tastiest thing in the world. Maybe in the universum. It's a Turkish sanwich with chicken or lamb, and usually salad, tomatoes and garlic sauce.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream; of course.
Everyone knows it, everyone likes it.
I've actualy eaten 2 packs in a row sometimes,

Sushi; best invention ever!
It's fresh, soft, and delicious!
And of course the eating sticks;
they're brilliant!

So guys, I hope you like my blog.
Keep on dreaming,
Loves Yvette

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