Sunday, April 18

The Dream

Hello dots,
I wanna share this really great singer with you. Terius Youngdell Nash better known as The dream, is a R&B / pop singer-songwriter. His new album will be released this year, the album named Love King.
And he just released his new video Love King:

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

Friday, April 16

LBD's from the stars, theehee.

Hello my awesome "readers",
little black dresses from the stars. This classic dress is always good to wear, in different ways.

Wauw, i really think this dress is super beautifull.

Jennifer Hudson in her Victoria Beckham.

It's a bit gothic, but the strings are sooo cute.

Blake Livley weares this super romantic and cute dress
from Dolce and Gabanna.

Zoe Saldana weares a Emilio Pucci, super artistic dress.

Beyoncé, in here super fancy atelier Versace dress.
She wore it during her performance.

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

Monday, April 12


Just wanted to show you.
I am going to bed goodnight.
Keep on dreaming, blub
Kisses Judith

Monki World

Hello my beloved readers if i have even readers,
here is this really awesome shop i found on the web, here is the link Here are some items :)

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

Sunday, April 11

Japanese street style

I am a big fan of Japanese fashion, cause there aren't afraid of new things. I found this really awesome site with street fashion a wanted to show you guys a few photo's.

Super cute, i really like the dress! Here style is romantic.

She is a bit of a school girl, i like the coat and the skirt.

Classy style, me like.

Very colorfull, that is what i like about japanese street fashion, they aren't afraid, hihi.

Here is the site:

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Juditth

Wednesday, April 7

It's my grandma's birthday :)

Helloooo kitty's,
How are you guys?
I am still working on that whole introducing myself thing but i accidentally deleted it all, whoops. That's some !@)#$, sorry for swearing. Happy birthday to my sweet granny, yay.
Keep on Dreaming
Kissis Judith

Tuesday, April 6


I just found this really cute bracelet on the internet from louis vuitton it's 293,- euros.
Pretty expensive, but i think it's worth it! Here is a link to the official site of Louis Vuitton.
I am going of to school now.
Keep on dreaming
Kissis Judith

Monday, April 5

Just a fast post

You saw what me friend posted?
Yep we're doing this togehter.
Well she told you about herself, but i didn't so i am going to do that. But not at the moment, i am going of to bed!
Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

New kid?

Hi guys!
The previous blogs you've (hopefully) read, were posted bye Judith.
She's my best friend, and she asked me to help her with this blog.
So here I am, writing my first blog, very exited.
Thinking that probably no one's gonna read it.
But I have to think positive!
So, I'll start by telling some stuff about me.
I'm a 14 year old girl from the Netherlands,
smart, but blond, so I often say stupid stuff.
I really like to sing, and I allso just started guitar lessons.
My other hobby is eating, I really love food.
I'll tell you my top three:

Döner kebab; I don't know if you know it, but it's the tastiest thing in the world. Maybe in the universum. It's a Turkish sanwich with chicken or lamb, and usually salad, tomatoes and garlic sauce.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream; of course.
Everyone knows it, everyone likes it.
I've actualy eaten 2 packs in a row sometimes,

Sushi; best invention ever!
It's fresh, soft, and delicious!
And of course the eating sticks;
they're brilliant!

So guys, I hope you like my blog.
Keep on dreaming,
Loves Yvette


I found some really cute pictures of cupcakes and I just wanted to show you guys

Oops that is isn't a cupcake!

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

Garden Collection at H&M

The Garden Collection is like a really cute, colorfull spring collection! You can check it out on there online shop:
Keep dreaming
Kisses Judith

My favorite Youtube-"show"

maybe have you ever heard of him Ray William Johnson, this crazy show called Equals three.
His videos will be posted every Monday and Wednesday on Youtube!
Here is one of his videos, enjoy!

Keep on Dreaming!
Kisses Judith

La-la-la, all about music.

Goeiedag! (Dutch for hello or something in that direction)
I just wanted to post a blog post about music.
We all know the song Fireflies! Owl City is a great band/musicproject. His new album Ocean Eyes is like a really great album with inspiring lyrics and nice songs.

A few off my favorites:
If my heart was a house
Tidal Wave
And ofcourse: Fireflies

He recently released a new music video, Vanilla Twilight!

Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

What am i going to do?

My blog will have many types of themes such as fashion, food, music, beauty, gossip and so much more.
Keep on dreaming
Kisses Judith

Welcome to the world of blogging

Hello world!
Just started blogging today on!
Do not know what kinda theme I am choosing,
But it will work out.
Keep on dreaming!
Kisses Judith